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Donation Opportunities

          Your generosity, large and small, allows Congregation Beth Shalom to continue to provide services and programs for our members and the Jewish community. When you donate, you can choose the funds that most interest you and your family. Contributions to one of our funds is a special way to honor a loved one’s memory, acknowledge a special occasion, or express gratitude.

  • General Fund: donations support the ongoing operation and maintenance of the synagogue, as well as Onegs, Kiddush luncheons and programming during holidays and throughout the year.
  • Adult Education Donations: support the year round calendar of adult education offerings, including Talmud Torah, Psalms, Meditation, Jewish Spirituality Workshops, Lox and Learn, CBS Reads, Memoir Writing, Cultural Caravan and lectures on wide-ranging topics.
  • Rabbi Kenneth and Johanna Bromberg Adult Education Fund: supports the annual Scholar in Residence weekend. 
  • Religious School Fund: enhances our Religious School programs and activities and ensures that our religious school is affordable to all students.
  • Lane Chesed Fund: donations are used to support life-cycle events, including shiva meals, and meals for members of the congregation in need.   
  • Rabbis’ Discretionary Fund: is used for special programming or charitable causes at the discretion of the Rabbis in the name of Congregation Beth Shalom.
  • Mitzvah Day Fund: provides the synagogue with the ability to plan service events to support the local community.
  • Youth Scholarship Fund: helps our families send their children to conventions, Jewish summer camp and Israel programs.
  • Performance Arts Fund: offsets expenses for performance art programming at Congregation Beth Shalom, including live music, recordings, theater or film, such as Shabbat Unplugged, Musical Shabbats, and the Purim Spiel.
  • Technology Fund: supports our use of Zoom, Live Streaming and YouTube.
  • Security Fund: donations allow us to make ongoing security upgrades to keep our space safe and secure.


Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785