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Click above to learn more about our new Religious School, Kehillah Academy!

Click above to learn more about our United Synagogue Youth (USY) Program

Betty Schoenbaum Family Shabbat Experience

Youth and families -Join us for a monthly Shabbat Family Program

Take part as Rabbi Danielle and Ms. Sarah lead us in an interactive prayer experience, encouraging our youth to participate actively in services designed specifically for our families. There is always a fun activity or two related to the Parsha, a holiday, or Jewish values as well! A Kiddush lunch is provided to all participants, thanks to the June Baumgardner Gelbart Foundation. Click Here for more information

Youth Scholarship Fund

The CBS Youth Scholarship Fund, supported by the June Baumgardner Gelbart Foundation is available to families needing financial subsidies for Jewish education and engagement such as youth group activities, camp, and trips to Israel. If you are in need of funding, please CLICK HERE.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785